Awareness, stoned into consciousness.
Every nerve in utility.
Every cell completely responsive.
The gift of sensation, our reason to exist.
Charges make light of gravity, the cosmic punch line.
These forces wage an endless war,
For the attention of our species.
Our very compositions the victims
Of laws without patronage.
Keratin waves with universal energies.
Motions uncontrollable, subconsciously predictable.
Infinite vexations for finite actualities.
Clasp the threshold to visual synapse.
With limbs extended,
Kinetics propelling forward.
Paschar, guide me.
Stepping through halls of darkness.
My sole greeted by a fine grain of the earth.
Such distraction, perceived as a nova
Rather than a galaxy.
Approaching a lucid arch as the aisle terminates.
Thrust into the golden court, the radiance is blinding
Yet my vision is clear.
With enough light to warrant the contrast,
Erosion has clearly left its mark.
This silicon fragment is not what imagination designed.
The senses will not deceive when unified.
Look to the sky
To put the obfuscations all behind.
I am released.
The constant search for clarity has ceased.