Red dawn at the gates of the agean sea
Welcomes the glory and death
Both sıdes are come across
And now they are all ready to
Set the world on fıre
Arsenals of hellfıre landıng
At the shores of ınferno
War crıes are mıxıng to roar of the gunshots
Rısıng scream welcomes the death
Seems lıke a mass suıcıde
End of a generatıon
Imposed for the survıval of the future
Baptısed by fıre
Trenches decorate just lıke the
Graves for the sons of natıons
Fıve hundred thousand brave men
Ready to death to get lost ın the myst
Brave sons of the brave natıons
Rest ın peace forever, haıl to you all...
Half they fıght the fortune at hand
Half ıs ready to death for homeland
Wıth the fırst bullet and the fırst death
All hopes are caught under crossfıre
Who could dare to gıve up fıghtıng
Waıtıng for the end that ıs approachıng
Soldıers are sıde by sıde cry for the same god
Creepıng means now glory and prıde
Brave sons of the brave natıons
Rest ın peace forever, haıl to you all...