A thousand footsteps behind me
Still ı�m a stranger to my name
Not even the mirror tells the story behind my face
Behind my face
Yet ı believe in the end ı�ll find a trace
Find a trace
Feeling like ı�m lost
In the mist of a dream
I can�t remember my name
It all feel so real
Yet it is unbelievable
My mystery still holds on
From a distant shore
A black ship sails
In a city of ruins
An angel stands
Is this a dream
The angel fell
The vision is dimmed
In a room ı stand
In an empty room ı stand
Vision of a woman
Dream of a man
Smiling faces, joy filled hearts
And the dream ends
Feeling like ı�m lost
In the mist of a dream
I can�t remember my name
It all feels so real
Yet it is unbelievable
My mystery still holds on